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Who we are?



Caterina Ramon Rotger

My name is Caterina and I currently hold the position of president of JEF Balearic Islands. I have lived most of my life in Mallorca, although I have always had a lot of anxiety when crossing borders. 


My relationship with Europe began as a result of the European Voluntary Service, I spent a year working at an NGO, whose objective was mutual understanding and dialogue between young Europeans. 

Jordi Prunés i Moyà

My name is Jordi and I am currently the vice president of JEF Illes Balears. I am a historian and a lover of my land, which has led me to enter the youth association movement since 2018 and to defend the interests of us, the young islanders, since 2022 as a member of the Youth Council.


Both the historian side and the associative side have made me understand Europe as the common and natural home of all the peoples that make it up; as the only possible path in a global world and as a project that offers a wide range of opportunities and experiences to young people, but with great challenges that must be overcome.

Xesc Mainzer

I am Xesc and I'm 29 years old. When I am not working as a historian, I work as treasurer at JEF Illes Balears. In addition to this, I am a member of the Federal Committee of JEF Europe where I am in charge of co-coordinating our internal working group on empowerment and diversity.


I joined JEF 10 years ago based on a conviction that local responses are not useful for the problems that affect us globally and that the best way to be more equal as Europeans is to defend radically democratic European institutions. In addition from JEF, I also love trains and photography


Antonio López Carro

I am Antonio López, member of JEF Balears and a law student, and I believe that the European Union is an opportunity for peace, prosperity and a project for the future that young people must champion.


I like travel, Scandinavian languages and culture, and I advocate that the reunion between Northern and Southern Europe is possible and beneficial.

Cira Pérez Bauzá

My name is Cira Pérez, communications spokesperson, in the words of millennials: I am the community manager of JEF Balears.

I am currently studying a double degree in Law and Business Administration, I do athletics and discovering JEF meant discovering a new facet of myself but also a second family, I think we are a bit like the series Friends.

Vicente R. Navarro

Hello! Sometimes they call me Vicenç, sometimes Vicente.


I have experience in the field of development cooperation, movements and associations related to environmental and social activism. I consider that associationism provides us with a brutal learning experience, and this is what is happening to me with JEF. I met this young, pro-European and federalist team at a CoFoE event. From that moment on, I got involved and have been able to participate in more events.


I believe that unity (European unity too) is strength and I hope that the force will always be with us (and yes, I'm also a Star Wars fan)! Are you in?

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